A Guide to Creating Your Own Vision Board

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Motivation is something I struggle with when it comes to college. I become immersed in everything I need to get done, that I don’t take time to work for the things I want to achieve outside of the academic realm. I heard of the concept of a vision board and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I have always been big on using Pinterest and have boards for every occasion.

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams. It helps to remind you of the things you want to accomplish. It is something physical I can look at each day to remind me of what is important to me. This video shows you one way you can make a vision board and what it can be used for.

Image result for simple vision board
What I like to do when making my vision board is to think about all the aspects of my life I am trying to improve. They usually fall into four categories: academic, spiritual, social and personal goals. I find pictures that represent my goals in each of these categories. I use pictures and stock images that I find inspiring. Some people like to use quotes and some people even just write things they want. A vision board is something personal to you and it can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be.

Vision boards have a lot of benefits. I personally believe in manifesting the things you want, which is why having a visual reminder is helpful with willing things into existence. However, it’s also just helpful to see something to motivate you to follow your heart.


  1. I love the idea of a vision board, its quite soothing to put all your goals up front and visualize them and work towards making them happen. I started one but never got to finish, now i'm thinking about revisiting it.

    1. I definitely think you should! It makes me so happy every few months when I get to take down the goals I accomplished. I have mine hanging at the end of my bed so I see it when I wake up in the mornings.


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