Women Making Waves

Image result for super bowl 2020 female coach

This year’s Super Bowl was a record year for women. For the first time ever, a female coach coached in the Super Bowl. This is a big step for women as the NFL has been dominated by male players and coaches since it began. In recent years there has been an increase in female reporters and journalists, but this is the first big step in women breaking barriers into the NFL.

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The halftime show, though controversial, was also a big feminist movement. Two Latina women were the highlight of the show. Shakira started it off and Jennifer Lopez followed up. Both women are moms and they showcased their dancing. Many people hated on these women and slut-shamed them. While this did show a lot of sexism with America, it was still big that the halftime show was two powerful women. It was inspiring to see powerful women breaking gender standards and giving other girls the confidence to be themselves.
