A Plant Update

I recently got two new plants that I want to document their journeys to see if they are the first plants I can keep alive. I have found the biggest limitation I have at home is that there isn't a great place for a plant needing a lot of light. There are a few windows in the house that get some light, but I am afraid it won't be enough to keep my new succulent healthy. So I will be trying my best to find the sunniest place in my house for my new plant friend.

The first of the two plants I got is obviously a succulent. These are supposedly the hardest plants to kill, yet I have managed to kill four or five succulents in the past! So I did a little research to make sure I am doing everything right. I found a lot of useful reminders in this article, but the biggest tip I never thought of was to rotate your succulents. It makes a lot of sense to make sure each side of the succulent is getting a lot of sun. I will be attempting to rotate my succulent at least once a week. As well as following the other tips this article provides.

The second plant is called a white butterfly arrowhead plant. The reason I chose this plant is because it likes low light conditions. I knew that I would be home with no big sunny spaces, so I opted to get a low light plant that I could keep in my room. Similarly to the succulent, I took to the internet to do a little bit of research on this guy. I found that in addition to no direct sunlight, this plant also prefers to be in a more humid environment, so I will need to water it more frequently. I have heard of people having plants in their bathroom because they like a more humid environment, so I may need to consider keeping this guy in the bathroom part time as well.

Overall, I feel pretty confident in my abilities. I learned that even indoor plants have seasons and most are going to require more work in the summer than in the colder winter months. I am determined to successfully grow plants, so I really hope these are my first major successes. Send me some good vibes and let me know what you think I should name these two!


  1. I'll have to check out the article you linked when I am ready to take care of a real plant someday. It sounds like your journey with your little green friends is going better. I really like the butterfly arrowhead plant, it looks really cool. Keep it up!


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