Pretty much everything you see on the news, social media and general media online, is all about COVID-19. Ohio and Indiana have both recently signed stay at home orders to keep nonessential travel from happening. This can seem pretty scary and overwhelming when a lot of our generation hasn't really seen a major disease that has impacted our country like this. While it's easy to get anxious or take on the mob mentality to go and buy out all the toilet paper at the store, it is much smarter to relax and just be smart.
COVID-19 is very similar to the flu. The difference is that we have no good treatment options yet. Because COVID-19 is so new, we don't know how to fight it. The silver lining is that researchers are working harder than ever to find a good treatment and there are a lot of strong possibilities now. So don't stress because that will only make everything more difficult.
The best way to prevent getting and spreading COVID-19 is to stay home. Many businesses and organizations are closing down, or working from home, just as we have already seen with schools. This means that other than to get essential groceries there is no need to leave the house. It may get boring, but being a little bored is much better than getting sick.
Obviously you will probably need to get groceries at some point, so you will have to go out and face the world head-on. However, there's no need to wear a mask and gloves in public, that is as long as you aren't the one that is sick. Wearing a mask actually makes you more likely to touch your face, so there is a greater chance you will be exposed to the virus. All you need to do is be mindful of what you touch and if you need a basket or cart, make sure to use a disinfecting wipe on it. Once you leave the store, put on some hand sanitizer and you are good to go.
There is no need to cause mass panic over the spread of COVID-19. Just keep yourself and others safe so we can ensure we get through this virus as fast as possible. Stay safe and stay healthy!
I completely agree that we do not need to be buying items in bulk like many individuals are. I feel like the reason that so many people are reacting the way that they are is because they do not understand the disease. Staying at home and practicing good hygiene will go a long way.