Managing Your Time Off

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As schools, work, and restaurants are in the process of shutting down because of the COVID-19. It feels frustrating to me because I don't quite understand what all the fuss is about. Everything you see on news sites and social media sites is all about how to survive the new coronavirus. Most schools at this point are moving to online classes, which can seem pretty daunting to some students. I was definitely nervous at first for this new class schedule. But I think this will be a very useful way for me to work on time-management skills and focus on doing self-care routines.

Image result for time managementTime-management is essential to surviving and thriving during an online class schedule. My biggest strategy going into online classes is to create a list of things that need to be done each day. Making sure I cross each item off my list will ensure that I will be able to successfully get all of my work done, and maybe even improve my grades.

When I create lists of things to do, I want to make sure I am including a self-care routine into my day. Some of the things I want to include are taking my dog for walks every day, setting time aside to focus on my spirituality, painting and most importantly spending time with friends. I know a lot of times the majority of my social interaction is during the day when I am going to classes. I plan on trying to just talk, watch a movie or get a meal with a friend each day. Social isolation may be good to stop the spread of COVID-19 but it is definitely not good for mental health.

I think it is quite drastic to shut down everything, but I do understand the seriousness of the virus and we must take precautions to protect those who can't fight the virus off. I will try to make the best of the online classes, and who knows maybe it will help students succeed in their classes.
